ISM University of Management and Economics was granted the right to organize an international interdisciplinary conference, “Age in the Workplace”, in the autumn of 2023. During the conference, researchers and experts in psychology, sociology, economics, management from all over the world will share the latest trends and research findings on the impact of age in the workplace. ISM University is responsible for organizing the conference and hosting over a hundred international guests. The conference will also include workshops for doctoral students working in the field of aging. They will have the opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from the most experienced and recognized researchers. Head of the conference organizing committee and ISM researcher dr. Bernadeta Goštautaitė says that the opportunity to organize this conference is a significant recognition for the university and a chance to make Lithuanian science famous worldwide.

“Organizing the conference is not only a great honor for ISM, but also an opportunity to present our university, colleagues’ research, and Lithuania in general. We have the opportunity to promote our region around the world, to address the specific challenges of our country in the context of an aging society and successful aging at work. Lithuania is one of the fastest aging societies in Europe; hence, discussing topics such as the silver economy, entrepreneurship in old age, and healthy and active aging at work is critical. Unfortunately, research in this area is underdeveloped. Therefore, this conference is an opportunity to pay attention to these challenges and ways to solve them,” says B. Goštautaitė.